Review: Berlin at hy-fcell 2023 in Shanghai
At the hy-fcell international expo and conference from October 26-28 in Shanghai, Sandra Schulze from Berlin Partner presented hydrogen and fuel cell related strategies and projects in the German capital region to high-level industry representatives from China, Germany, and other European countries.
Berlin's Senate has set the agenda for transforming Germany's capital towards climate-neutrality until 2050. Therefore, a Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program (BEK) has been developed covering five action fields, with transport and heating being particularly suitable application areas for higher shares of hydrogen.
Furthermore, Berlin financially supports and encourages local and international companies to develop their hydrogen and other clean energy technologies in Berlin.
By 2030, the demand of hydrogen in Berlin is expected to reach approximately 24.000 tons. To close the gaps between production, demand and consumption, Berlin established the first digital H2 marketplace.
We are proud, that innovative companies such as Siemens Energy, MAN Energy Solutions and Graforce are developing hydrogen solutions such as such as power to x integration, compression technologies, and plasma electrolyzers in Berlin.
Berlin Business Desk China together with Berlin Partner participated at the hy-fcell 2023 to present Berlin in this field and built-up connections with several outstanding companies from the hydrogen sector in China, such as Hydrexia, a leading integrated hydrogen technology solution provider in China, which offers innovative hydrogen purification solutions, enhanced safety for hydrogen transportation, the installation and operation of HRS facilities, and developed a breakthrough H2 storage solution based on magnesium alloy.
We are looking forward to accompanying the hydrogen journey of Berlin with identifying the best partners, seizing opportunities and turning hydrogen into business cases in Berlin and China.